Choose a Better Planet

Choose a Better Planet

It looks too lovely
Blue and white, warm and watery
Close up cool and green
I want to touch it, launch my
Limbs into that sky

They killed us so we left
I can’t tell you how much I miss home
Not so much the place as having a place
Refugees not whole people
A ship not a home
How hopelessly I need one
Not hunger, precisely
More like all I’ve got

Our leaders say we
Never give up, we begin again
Yet we cannot land nor contact;
This perfect blue world is not safe
Its people will not welcome us
Have switched its natural flow
Changed so much life cannot remain

Our leaders declare
We need to choose a better planet
Its neighbor, small, cold, dead
Suitable for us who must fly
It will take generations to make it work
I have waited and traveled so long

Today I break all rules
Escape to this world with its laughing fast clouds
I’m sure they know the joy to soar
Perhaps the people under its sky
Will kill me

Then I’ll think I’m back at home
Unfurling wings my flag of liberty
Floating through sky so beautiful
I cry with each breath